Fuel Consumption


# Fuel Consumption

The Bityuan blockchain system aims to create a multi-chain ecosystem that meets the connection of data and assets in different application scenarios. The massive amount of data on the chain should be valuable and meaningful, so BTY is required as fuel, which can filter invalid information to a certain extent and provide a fuel consumption mechanism for BTY under the SPOS consensus.

# Asset issuance/transfer

In various application scenarios such as stable currency, asset digitization, NFT, and other asset issuance on chain that we are familiar with, it is necessary to generate fuel consumption of BTY as the main chain’s token. For example, issuing NFT assets such as ERC721/ERC1155 on the Bityuan chain need consume BTY which costs little. When we need to transfer digital assets through wallet addresses, we also need to consume BTY to complete the transaction. For example, on e-commerce platforms which based on Bityuan blockchain, consumers need to burn BTY not only to complete the purchase of digital goods, but also to complete digital product transfer and pickup operations.

# Data storage certificate

Application scenarios such as text, images, audio and video data uploading, as well as non instant messaging, can all be attributed to data storage. The process of storage certificate on blockchain can be divided into three steps: generating digital summaries, writing digital summaries into the blockchain, and verifying digital summaries. Data storage on chain is essentially consistent with the transaction of assets on the chain, except that the former's purpose is to retain digital summaries, while the latter's purpose is to achieve asset transfer. Both require the consumption of BTY token to complete. For example, , in order to display user information that cannot be tampered with and traceable, producers can store the product information (raw materials, processes, packaging, logistics, and after-sales) on the chain at each phase , and perform hash connections to form a complete anti-counterfeiting traceability information chain, on an anti-counterfeiting traceability system based on the Bityuan blockchain. By this way producers can enhance consumer recognition and trust, and thereby increase product sales. During this process, producers only need to consume a small amount of BTY to complete this scenario application.

# Smart contract

With the rapid iteration of blockchain technology, the application of smart contract is becoming increasingly widespread, including Defi, Gamefi, and others that are currently widely used. On Bityuan blockchain, developers can develop and deploy native smart contracts and EVM smart contracts, and users also need to consume BTY to complete contract interactions when using these contracts. At present, Bityuan supports DAPP development in multiple mainstream programming languages such as go, Java, solidity, and JavaScript. It has also completed the integration of Ethereum web3. js and supports seamless migration of EVM smart contracts. In the future, the application ecology of Btiyuan will have rapid development, and the demand for BTY fuel is bound to significantly increase.

# Parallel chain ecology

Based on the multi-chain architecture of Bityuan chain, more development teams and application scenarios are willing to choose Bityuan parallel public chain to build their own projects, because this is an excellent solution that not only saves construction costs, but also balances security and performance. On these parallel public chains, there are also application requirements such as digital asset issuance/transfer, data storage, and smart contracts. The Bityuan main blockchain provides a public consensus network that provides verification services for operations on all parallel public chains. All parallel public chains obtain consensus verification from the main Bityuan chain through BTY consumption. Of course, considering the operational independence of parallel public chains, Bityuan blockchain provides fuel withholding solutions for parallel public chains. Users on the parallel public chain do not need to hold BTY and can complete online operations such as token transfer and NFT issuance on the parallel public chain. The operator can configure an exclusive BTY fuel withholding address to uniformly pay users for the BTY fuel required for operation, and can also charge users with coins/tokens on the parallel public chain as service fees on the application terminals.